In accordance with the policies of the European Union, the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the City of Dubrovnik, and in accordance with the strategic goals of the Libertas Management regarding the reduction of emissions of harmful gases and the electrification of the vehicle fleet, the presentation of an electric bus by Iveco was held in Komolac.
"We have already pointed out earlier that Libertas has started the process of replacing older production vehicles with newer ones and introducing vehicles of the latest EURO standards. Thus, we have a number of EURO 6 standard vehicles. The next step is the decarbonization of public transport. As part of this, we are moving in the direction of electrifying our fleet. making a study that will show us what type of vehicles, which chargers, at which locations we need them in the city. As part of that process, we are testing a number of vehicles, and we will be testing one of them today," said Libertas director Franko Mekišić and added that procurement of vehicles is carried out through the mechanisms of the European Union.
The representative of the company Autobus d.o.o. expressed satisfaction with the fact that they represent one of the most modern vehicles in Dubrovnik and added that it is a "fully electric vehicle 12 meters long, completely low-floor with three doors. This vehicle is different from standard vehicles primarily in terms of its drive. It is a fully electric drive. In particular, the vehicle is designed for an overnight charging strategy and is equipped with batteries with a capacity of 380 kilowatts, which is approximately enough for 300-350 kilometers in city conditions. After that, the vehicle goes to charge, which lasts approximately four hours".
The presentation, along with viewing the vehicle, continued with a drive to the Pile plateau.
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